Electronic Delivery Disclosure Notice


This Electronic Delivery Disclosure Notice information (“Communications”) to you in writing, which means you have a right to receive that information in paper. We may provide such information to you electronically if we give you this eCommunications Disclosure and you consent to receive such information electronically.

“Communications” means each disclosure, notice, agreement, undertaking, fee schedule, periodic statement, record, document or other information we provide to you, or that you sign or submit or agree to at our request. It also includes certain informational tax statements, subject to specific additional terms. See Additional Provisions for Tax Documents below.

By consenting to this eCommunications Disclosure, you agree:
1. To receive Communications electronically;
2. That you have access to equipment through which you can access www.midstatesbank.com and which you can use to retain documents. This equipment must meet the Hardware And Software Requirements described below; and
3. To use electronic records and signatures in our relationship with you.
Your consent will also apply to any other person named on your account, product, or service, subject to applicable law. Your consent will apply to any Communication which we are legally permitted to provide to you now or at any time in the future until such time that you withdraw your consent.
We may choose to send you certain documents in paper rather than in electronic form. You should continue to review all paper communications that we send you. Please ensure that you keep your primary mailing address up to date. If we send you paper documents, it will have no impact on your paperless enrollment.

Accessing your Communications
We may deliver your Communications by any of the following means: (1) within www.midstatesbank.com (2) to your designated email address, (3) via our mobile application(s), or (4) by requesting that you download a PDF file that contains the Communication.
Customers in good standing will have electronic statements available online at www.midstatesbank.com for 18 months after the statement is posted.
If your Account is closed, you may lose access to www.midstatesbank.com including any Communications we have provided in electronic form. If your Account is closed, we may mail
Communications to you in paper form, even if you previously elected to receive such materials electronically.

Hardware and Software Requirements
To access and retain electronic Communications, you must have an active email address and an up-to-date computing or mobile device with:
• a Current Version (defined below) of a web browser (such as Edge, Chrome, Safari or Firefox),
• a connection to the Internet,
• electronic storage to retain records and/or a printer to print them, and
• a Current Version of a program that accurately reads and displays PDF files.
If you do not have a PDF reader, you can download Adobe® Reader® at no charge from the following link: https://get.adobe.com/reader/ (By clicking the link, you will be taken to a third-party site not managed by Midstates Bank, where different security or privacy practices may apply.)
By “Current Version,” we mean a version of the software that is currently being supported by its publisher. We reserve the right to discontinue support of a Current Version of software if, in our sole opinion, it suffers from a security flaw or other flaw that makes it unsuitable for use.
If our hardware or software requirements change, and that change creates a material risk that you would not be able to access or retain the information contained in www.midstatesbank.com , we will give you notice of the revised hardware or software requirements. Continuing to access www.midstatesbank.com electronically after receiving notice of the change reaffirms your consent.

How to Withdraw Your Consent
You can withdraw your consent with no cost to you. To do so, you must write to Midstates Bank, Operations Center POB 68, Avoca, IA 51521 or call Midstates Bank's Operation Center at 800-452-5887.Your withdrawal of consent is effective only after Midstates Bank has had a reasonable period of time to act upon your withdrawal. Withdrawal of consent to electronic delivery will not affect the legal effectiveness, validity, or enforceability of Communications previously provided electronically. Such Communications may continue to be provided online for the applicable posting period.
Withdrawal of consent will only apply to those Communications that are required by law or regulation to be provided to you in paper form. We may continue to deliver to you in electronic format all other Communications.

Obtaining Copies of Electronic Communications
We recommend that you print or download a copy of this eCommunications Disclosure, and all other Communications to retain for your records. If you want paper copies of documents
provided electronically, you can write to Midstates Bank, Operations Center POB 68, Avoca, IA 51521, use communication available in this website or call Midstates Bank's Operation Center at 800-452-5887. We may charge fees for paper copies of some Communications.

Your Contact Information
If your email address or other contact information is changed, you must notify Midstates Bank of such changes immediately through www.midstatesbank.com. We are not responsible if you do not receive an email notification.
If you fail to update or change an incorrect email address or other contact information, you understand and agree that any electronic Communications shall nevertheless be deemed to have been provided to you if they were made available to you by one of the methods described in Delivery Of Your Communications above.

Termination and Changes
We reserve the right to discontinue providing you with electronic Communications, or to terminate or change this eCommunications Disclosure. We will provide you with notice of any such termination or change as required by law.
Additional Provisions for Tax Documents
The Communications we provide to you electronically include certain informational tax statements. Each of the following applies to the electronic delivery of Tax Documents:
• You may receive Tax Documents in paper and continue to receive all other Communications electronically.
• The electronic delivery of Tax Document may be terminated at any time by us. Further, we may make certain Tax Documents available electronically only for a limited time.

Midstates Bank is a full-service financial institution with branches throughout western Iowa.